Terms of Use

Please read these terms of use carefully before using this website (“Main Road Mart”). These website terms of use (the “Terms of Use”) govern your access to and use of the website. The website is available for your use only on the condition that you agree to the Terms of Use set forth below. If you do not agree to all of the Terms of Use, do not access or use the website. By accessing or using the website, you and the entity you are authorized to represent (“you” or “your”) signify your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

This is a legally binding contract between “you” the “seller of goods”, Manak Waste Management Pvt Ltd. (“Main Road Mart”), and third-party buyers (“Buyer”), which provides services for purchasing, recycling, and/or donating used consumer products (the “Buyer Services”). Main Road Mart acts as a platform to allow sellers who comply with our policies to sell certain goods. You conduct your actual sales and other transactions directly with the third parties and, unless otherwise specifically and clearly indicated, not with Main Road Mart. As a result, Main Road Mart cannot control any aspect of your sales and transactions with third parties, and the third parties are solely responsible to you for all aspects of your sales and transactions with them. Consequently, Main Road Mart will have no liabilities towards the sellers or buyers in this regard. In the document below, “we”, “our”, “us” is used for Main Road Mart and Main Road Mart’s third-party buyer collectively.

1. Legal Ownership

You certify that you are the legal owner of the gadget that you want to sell.

2. Initial Quotes and Inspections

All initial quotes are pending our evaluation of your gadget, and no binding offer is made until we have had a chance to inspect the gadget. We reserve the right to refuse to offer to purchase any item that you offer to sell for any reason we deem, in our sole discretion, to be sensible. We reserve the right to change our quote at any time.

3. Binding Agreement

If you receive a quote via our website/app/affiliates and we, upon inspection of your gadget, agree to pay you that quoted amount, you are legally and contractually bound to sell us the gadget for the price quoted via the website.

4. Changes in Offer

If your gadget is found to be (A) a different model than originally quoted, (B) missing any parts, or (C) in a different condition than stated, we reserve the right to change our offer accordingly.

5. Required Documentation

All gadgets sold must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • a. Self-attested ID-proof (government-approved) of the owner of the old gadget.
  • b. Self-attested indemnity bond provided by us if required.

6. Lawful Sales Only

You must own the right, title, and all legal interests in the gadget or other articles you sell us. Your sale and/or shipment of any such article must not violate any law, regulation, or statute of any jurisdiction. The article you sell must be free of all legal restrictions that would affect its value or your legal right to transfer ownership. You agree to indemnify and hold Main Road Mart, our affiliates, suppliers, licensors, and partners, and the officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives of each harmless, including costs, liabilities, and legal fees, from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of (i) your access to or use of Services, (ii) your violation of these Terms & Conditions.

7. Data Deletion Responsibility

It is your responsibility to wipe, clean, or delete data on your gadget being sold via Main Road Mart. You confirm that all the data in the device will be erased before handing it over. If any data remains accessible due to any technical reason, Main Road Mart or the third-party buyer shall not be responsible for it, and you will not approach Main Road Mart for any retrieval of the data.

8. No Return Policy

Once a device is sold by you via Main Road Mart, it cannot be returned to you under any circumstances.

9. Restrictions on Certain Products

Products distributed as gifts from state-sponsored or NGO-funded distribution programs are not accepted on the Main Road Mart platform.

10. Modifications to the Agreement

We reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time without giving you prior notice. Your use of our website/app, or any of our tools and services, following any such modification, constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the agreement as modified. Terms and conditions modifying the agreement are effective immediately upon publication.

11. Transaction Cancellation

Main Road Mart reserves the right to cancel any transaction deemed suspicious or fraudulent at the organization’s discretion.

Terms of Use for Repair of Products

The Services constitute a technology platform that connects users of Main Road Mart mobile applications or websites (each, an “Application”) who are seeking gadget (Phones, Tablets, Laptops, etc.) repair services to a network of third-party repair technicians, including independent third-party repair technicians and third-party logistics providers under agreement with Main Road Mart (“Third Party Professionals”). The Services are made available solely for your personal/non-commercial use unless otherwise agreed in writing in a separate agreement with you.

You acknowledge and agree that Main Road Mart does not provide gadget repair services or logistics, nor does it function as a gadget repair services company. Our services are to be used by you, if at all, for the purpose of requesting and scheduling gadget repair services or logistics services with third-party professionals. However, you agree that Main Road Mart has no responsibility or liability to you related to any gadget repair services or logistics provided to you by the third-party professionals through the use of the services.

Payment for Services

You understand and agree that the use of the Services may result in payments by you for the services you receive from a Third Party Professional (“Charges”). After you have received services, Main Road Mart will facilitate payment of the applicable Charges on behalf of the Third Party Professional, solely as the Third Party Professional’s limited payment collection agent, using the preferred payment method you have designated, and will send you a receipt via email at the end of each session. By utilizing the Services, it is understood and agreed that payment of the Charges in such a manner shall be considered the same as payment made directly by you to the Third Party Professional(s). Charges will be inclusive of applicable taxes where required by law. Charges paid by you are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise determined by Main Road Mart in its sole discretion.

You understand and agree that (i) all Charges are due immediately and (ii) payment will be facilitated by Main Road Mart using the preferred payment method you have designated. If your primary payment method is determined to be unavailable for any reason, you agree that Main Road Mart may, as the Third Party Professional’s limited payment collection agent, use a secondary payment method in your account, if available.

Main Road Mart reserves the right to establish, remove, and/or revise charges for any or all aspects of the Services at any time at its sole discretion. Main Road Mart will use reasonable efforts to inform you of charges that may apply, but you will be responsible for Charges incurred under your account regardless of your awareness of such charges or the amounts thereof. We may provide certain users with promotional offers and discounts from time to time, which may result in different charges for the same or similar services. You agree that such promotional offers and discounts, unless also made available to you, shall have no bearing on your use of the services or the charges applied to you. You may choose to cancel your request for services from a Third Party Professional at any time prior to such Third Party Professional’s arrival.

Repair Clauses for iOS Users

  • 1. We do not necessarily use original Apple parts to repair the phone.
  • 2. Please note that repairing your phone on Main Road Mart will void the Apple warranty.


The Third Party Professional provides you with a minimum 30-day warranty (more than 30 days if specified in order) on the gadget repair services as follows: (a) Screen/LCD and/or any other repaired or replaced parts that malfunction, or do not work as intended or designed to work, and (b) the warranty provided is limited to the parts and/or service(s) that you paid for. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms, the warranty covers only the labor cost of part replacement and any other repairs specifically resulting from the initial repair.

The warranty set forth above does not protect against:

  • (a) Your actions that cause damage to the device that was repaired by the Third Party Professional.
  • (b) Software issues unrelated to the repair.